So what's new?
- Light fixtures!
- Crosswalk and parkway are pink!
- Fresh new sidewalk!
- New pavement!
- New bumpy "ramp" on sidewalk!
- In the Veteran's Park on the corner, the large evergreen has been removed, and the plantings have been prettied up!
- The "Voelker Building" (built in 1908) at 120 North Monroe Street, which currently houses the Cut and Curl beauty salon, still has an outline of the old Courier building, which wasn torn down in early 2006!
- The disgusting phone booth is still there!
- The rest of the buildings still look run down!
One wonders if Waterloo will go on a beautification frenzy, to get the downtown area looking nice again, in time for the big Sesquicentennial celebration in April 2009.
Well said.
My my, the street sure has improved it's look. You're absolutely right, though, the buildings need a major spiff-up.
They only have a few months left to get it all spiffy!
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